Atmosphere for Divine Visitation

Topic: Atmosphere for Divine Visitation

Bible Text: 2 Kings 2:19-22
Creating an atmosphere for divine visitation is paramount for encountering the manifest presence of God in our lives. Let’s delve into essential principles supported by biblical wisdom to foster an environment that draws God’s visitation.

Biblical Examples of Divine Visitation:
1. The City of Jericho (2 Kings 2:19-22): Elisha’s intervention transformed a city plagued by death and barrenness into a place of life and fertility.

2. Sarah’s Barrenness (Genesis 21:1): God’s visitation ended Sarah’s long-standing barrenness, fulfilling His promise of Isaac’s birth.

3. Lazarus’ Resurrection (John 11:1-6, 39-44): Jesus’ timely visitation resulted in Lazarus being raised from the dead after four days in the tomb.

4. The Valley of Dry Bones (Ezekiel 37): God’s visitation through Ezekiel’s prophecy brought life to a valley filled with dry bones, demonstrating His power to reverse the irreversible.

By creating an atmosphere characterized by worship, prayer, faith, joy, and holiness,
believers can position themselves for divine visitation and experience the transformative power
of God in their lives.

Nick Paterson

Creating an Atmosphere for Divine Visitation:
1. Worship & Sacrificial Praise (Psalm 22:3): Genuine worship and sacrificial praise
invite God’s presence, laying the foundation for divine visitation.
• Encourage heartfelt worship and praise, even in the midst of challenges and

2. Prayer & Fasting (Luke 4:1, 14): Serious, focused prayer coupled with fasting
cultivates an atmosphere conducive to divine visitation.
• Stress the importance of consistent prayer and fasting in seeking God’s presence
and power.

3. Violent Faith (Mark 11:24): Expectant faith plays a crucial role in creating an
atmosphere where God’s promises can be realized.
• Emphasize the necessity of believing and declaring God’s promises with
unwavering faith.

4. Atmosphere of Joy (Habakkuk 3:18): Joyful living signifies the manifest presence of
God and sets the stage for divine visitation.
• Encourage maintaining joy, even in challenging circumstances, as it attracts God’s
presence and blessings.

Life Application:

Living a holy and consecrated life fosters an atmosphere where God’s presence can dwell. Pursue
holiness in all aspects of life, aligning with God’s standards. (James 5:16; 1 Peter 1:15-16)

Prayer: Be encourage to exercise your faith boldly, speaking to your specific needs and
situations with confidence in God’s power to intervene. Be reminded of the joy that comes from
trusting in God’s faithfulness, even in the midst of trials.
In essence, by creating an atmosphere characterized by worship, prayer, faith, joy, and holiness,
believers can position themselves for divine visitation and experience the transformative power
of God in their lives.

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