Finding the Word

The Mandate Daily: Finding the Word

The Word of God is a potent instrument in the hands of believers, foundational to creation and sustenance (Genesis 1:1-31; John 1:1-3; Hebrews 1:1-3), containing life (Deuteronomy 8:3; Matthew 4:4; Proverbs 4:22a), and offering healing (Proverbs 4:22b; Psalm 107:20; Matthew 8:7-13). Its power is limitless, but it must be sought and found to be effective.

What it means to find the Word:

  1. Know exactly what it says: Understanding the Word is crucial. It’s not just about knowing the words but comprehending their meaning and significance. Luke 10:26-28; Romans 4:3; Galatians 4:30; Matthew 4:4, 7, 10.
  2. Understand it by revelation: True understanding of the Word comes through revelation. It’s a deeper insight that transcends mere knowledge. Galatians 1:11-12; Ephesians 3:3; Acts 8:30-38; Matthew 13:19, 23; 2 Corinthians 3:6
  3. Stand on it: We must stand firm on the Word, trusting its promises and aligning our lives with its principles. Romans 4:10; 2 Chronicles 20:15-20; Luke 1:45; Jeremiah 35:1-16; Matthew 4:4, 7, 10.

How to find the Word:

  1. Open your heart to the Word: Be receptive and attentive to the Word’s teachings. Proverbs 4:20a; James 1:21; Mark 4:14-20; Ezekiel 33:31-33; Revelation 3:20; 2 Corinthians 3:14; Acts 16:14; Luke 24:45.
  2. Read and listen to it carefully and regularly: Regular engagement with the Word through reading and listening is essential for spiritual growth. Proverbs 4:20b; Deuteronomy 17:19; Nehemiah 8:8; Acts 6:4; 1 Timothy 4:13.
  3. Study diligently and prayerfully: Study the Word diligently, seeking God’s guidance and understanding through prayer. Proverbs 4:21a; Proverbs 2:1-5; Acts 17:11; 2 Timothy 2:15.
  4. Memorize it: Committing the Word to memory helps internalize its truths and principles. Proverbs 4:21b; Psalm 119:11, 97; Colossians 3:16.
  5. Meditate on it always: Reflecting on the Word regularly deepens our understanding and strengthens our faith. Proverbs 4:21; Joshua 1:8; Psalm 1:2; Philippians 4:8. 6. Pray the Word: Use the Word as a foundation for your prayers, aligning your requests with its promises. Acts 4:24-31; Daniel 9:2-3.
  6. Do the Word: It’s not enough to know the Word; we must also put it into action through obedience and application in our lives. James 1:22-25; Matthew 7:21-25; John 13:17.
    God has graciously given us His Word, but it’s up to us to seek it diligently and apply it in our lives. Let’s pray for a renewed hunger for God’s Word and the grace to live according to its truths.
  7. Pray for a hunger for God’s Word.
  8. Ask for grace to read, study, and meditate on the Word.
  9. Seek understanding and revelation as you engage with the Word.
  10. Pray for the strength to stand firm on God’s promises.
  11. Commit to being a doer of the Word in your daily life.
  12. Humbly ask God to help you find His Word anew each day.
    Let’s embrace the Word of God and allow it to transform our lives from the inside out.

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