Liberation Through Prayer: Breaking Financial Oppression

 Liberation Through Prayer: Breaking Financial Oppression

Heavenly Father, we come before you with gratitude for the abundance of blessings you provide daily. We acknowledge you as the God of our salvation, knowing that in you, there is no lack or oppression. As we seek deliverance from financial bondage, may your Word guide us and your Spirit empower us. Amen.

1. Scripture Foundation: We begin with Ephesians 2:6, recognizing our elevated position
in Christ Jesus. Additionally, Ezekiel 21:27 reminds us of God’s power to overturn every
oppressive situation.
Song: “I’ve Got Something More Than Gold; I’ve Got You Jesus”
Prayer 1: With the authority vested in the name of Jesus, we command Satan to release his grip on our finances. We declare freedom from financial oppression in Jesus’ name.

2. Heavenly Promises: Deuteronomy 28:8 and 12 affirm God’s blessings upon our endeavors and the opening of His good treasure over our lives. Deuteronomy 8:18 assures us of God’s provision and empowerment to create wealth.
Prayer 2: Standing on the promises of your Word, Father, we ask for your abundant blessings to
flow into our lives. We trust in your faithfulness to fulfill your covenant with us.

3. Trusting in God’s Sovereignty: Revelation 3:7 assures us of God’s authority to open doors that no one can shut. We hold fast to the truth that God supplies all our needs according to His riches in glory.
Prayer: Father, in the name of Jesus, we declare that the year 2023 is a season of open doors and unprecedented blessings. We access the keys of David through faith in your Word, believing in your divine provision and liberation from financial oppression.

Conclusion: As we conclude, let us remember that our liberation from financial oppression comes through prayer, faith, and trust in God’s promises. May we continue to stand firm on His Word, knowing that He is faithful to deliver us from every form of bondage. Amen.

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