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Useful Information

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Physical Address​

304 North Cardinal St.
Dorchester Center, MA 02124

Work Hours

Monday to Friday: 7am - 7pm
Weekend: 10am - 5pm

Phone Numbers


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The Mandate Hub Annotation

Welcome to The Mandate Hub! We express our sincere gratitude to all the great works of Gospel
personalities we are able to access as resources for reaching the World for Christ, Pastors, Music Ministers, Writers, and Publishers, which include music, sermons, and books; other developments and resources are originally created by The Mandate Outreach International, designed to serve as a global resource hub for the Christian community, all to the glory of the Almighty God.
If you believe we have infringed on your copyright or the copyright of someone you represent, and you wish to have your media files removed from our database, please contact us at “” We will promptly address your concerns and remove the content as requested.
Thank you for your understanding and cooperation.

The Mandate Hub Team

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